by Paul Witt
(Charleston SC)
Our boat stays in the water all year and in the summer we make sure the fly bridge enclosure is closed prior to leaving the boat. My concern is how hot it gets inside the enclosure when everything is closed up in the summer.
Hi Paul,
That is a big concern. The clear plastic does act like a green house and will heat up substantially inside.
Some leave a couple of zippers unzipped, but the fact that clear plastic shrinks, you can get yourself into trouble doing that.
Depending on how your enclosure is built, you could look at a louvered vent installed at the top, but yes it will get very hot.
Keep an eye on your seat vinyl. Keep it as dry as possible, because mold will grow quickly. Place moisture absorbers inside the enclosure. You also might cover the equipment and seats with some soft terry cloth towels. Kanbera gel would be helpful in keeping the mold under control as well. Just a few ideas.
I hope that helps.
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